

State Engineer in Information and Communications Technology/ Full Stack developer

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About Me

I'm Mosab ATCHANE, a Full stack developer (Mainly Java). Despite my relatively short professional experience I've worked on several technologies and environments. I enjoy building well crafted systems that solves real life problems.


BNP Paribas

Java Software Engineer

Java Dev (Fuse ESB & Apache Camel)
  • Development of OSGi Interfaces (REST, SOAP & file based) that links/syncs several business systems.
  • Development of Maven Archetypes to automate project scaffolding and reduce boilerplate code (published in the internal Nexus repository).
  • Unit & Integration testing(JUnit, Camel Blueprint Testing...).
  • Creation of continuous integration Jenkins pipelines (Nexus, SonarQube...).
  • Building a static utilities library that provides APIs to abstract/standardize logging (maven package published in the internal Nexus repository).
Java Dev (Spring & Websphere)
  • Development of Web Services (REST/SOAP) that wraps legacy Business services (Cobol/AIX).
  • Unit & Integration testing (JUnit, Spring Test).
  • Creation of markdown documentation (GitHub wiki) to help operation teams deploy and test packages.
Web Dev (Angular, Bootstrap & Spring Boot)
  • Design & Development of the official web portal for the DSP2 EU Directive (Africa region and Overseas): Link
  • Development of simple intuitive interfaces for Business web services testing (used by non technical teams).
  • Java
  • Maven
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Jenkins
  • Angular
  • Typescript
  • JUnit
  • RedHat JBoss Fuse
  • Websphere

Synaptique Maghreb

Paid Internship

Web development (Grails & JavaScript)

Feature implementation and bug fixing for the Synaptique web platform (A Telecom services market place).

Browser Extension development (Html/CSS & JavaScript)

Development of a browser extension (for Chrome and Firefox) to improve the user experience of Synaptique's clients (Adds metadata on specific emails).

  • Grails
  • Groovy/Java
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Git


Graduation Project

Design and Implementation of a Cross-Platform Command-Line application that allows access to the Scorify platform services without browser.

  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Git
  • npm
  • Jasmine
  • REST

Microsoft Imagine Cup


Creation of a video game for the gaming category.

  • Unity3d
  • C#
  • Photoshop



Creation of a dynamic website for the Deputy Director of Continuing Education of the INPT.

  • UML
  • Java/Java EE
  • MySQL
  • jQuery
  • Git

ONEE Branche Electricité


Participation in the installation and commissioning of DWDM optical equipment.


Institut national des postes et télécommunications INPT

2013 - 2017

State Engineer (Master) in Information and Communications Technology

Classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles

2011 - 2013

Lycée Technique Mohammedia


Elastic HN Search

A Spring-Boot/Angular application that indexes hacker news posts and provides ElasticSearch powered search of them.

Live Demo
View Project
  • Java
  • Spring-Boot
  • Maven
  • Angular
  • TypeScript
  • Material Design
  • REST
  • Git
  • Heroku
  • ElasticSearch

Email Alert system for

Email alert system for the classified advertisements website

Live Demo View Project
  • Java
  • Spring-Boot
  • Maven
  • REST
  • Postgres
  • Hibernate
  • React
  • JavaScript
  • Jasmine
  • Bootstrap
  • Git
  • Webpack
  • Photoshop

Internet Speed tester: Mobile App

A cross-platform mobile application built with Xamarin.Forms that test the internet speed using web services.

View Project
  • C#
  • Xamarin.Forms
  • NuGet
  • Visual Studio
  • SOAP
  • XML
  • Git
  • Photoshop

Audiobook Splitter

A simple node app aimed to split long audiobooks to ease navigation on old devices (nokia s40...)

View Project
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Git
  • npm

Encryption/Decryption Application (AES & RSA)

Simple Java application(school project) that encrypts/decrypts text in AES and RSA.

  • Java

Active Skills

Prior experience

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